Video Unlimited

Use the Video Unlimited service to rent and purchase videos that you can view not only

on your phone, but also on your PC, PlayStation® Portable (PSP®) and PlayStation® 3. Select your pick from the latest Hollywood releases, action movies, comedies, classics, and a range of other categories.

Video Unlimited might not be available in all countries or regions.

To open Video Unlimited

1From your Home screen, tap .

2Find and tap .

Video Unlimited menu overview

View your account information

Search for a video

View the download status for all your items

View and change settings for your account, purchases, and downloads

Add the current video to a wish list

Delete all items in your wish list

Delete the video you're currently viewing from the wish list

Share information about the current video via a social network, email, Bluetooth, or other method View legal information

The Video Unlimited menu is dynamic, which means that all options are not always available. For example, the option to delete all items in your wish list is only available when you are viewing the list.

To open the Video Unlimited menu

Open Video Unlimited, then press .

Creating a Video Unlimited account

You need to create a Video Unlimited account if you want to buy or rent movies through

the Video Unlimited service. If you already have a PlayStation® network account, you can use that account instead.

Exploring the Video Unlimited selection

Browse videos by category, or enter text to search for a particular item. You can also choose to preview videos you're interested in.

Renting or buying a video

When you rent a video, you have a fixed amount of time in which to view it. This time period varies from market to market. You can also choose to download a purchased video to most Sony™ devices that are connected to your Video Unlimited account.


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