Tip 6: Always pick up the pressure that your opponent is bringing on defense. There will be plenty of heat coming this
season, so be sure to keep extra players back to block when pressure seems likely. When in doubt, err to the side of
caution; the worst thing that can happen is discovering that your opponent isn't blitzing and throwing the ball away.
Losing significant yardage via a sack is never acceptable.
Always pick up the pressure that your opponent is bringing on defense.
Tip 7: Study what your opponent is doing. For instance, if you start feeling significant pressure, take the time to figure
out why. Once you realize what your opponent is doing, it will be easier to find the appropriate counter. This will also
give you a good indication on what plays or adjustments you need to practice before playing your next opponent.
Tip 8: When you are on defense NEVER pick your play before the offense. Always wait to see what personnel package
the offense has chosen before selecting your defense. This will disguise your coverage and will minimize coverage
breakdowns and mismatches.
Tip 9: Learn the strengths and weaknesses of your entire roster. For example, receivers with great height and/or speed
are valuable no matter what their overall rating is. Find ways to utilize hidden strengths within you team's roster.
Tip 10: Learn how to manage the game clock. When facing an opponent more skilled than yourself, slow the tempo of
the game down to limit the number of possessions. This will increase the influence an element of chance (such as a
fumble) will have on the overall outcome of the game. You could get lucky…
Chapter 10 - Xbox 360 Achievements
The table below reveals the Xbox 360 Madden 08 achievements, descriptions, and associated gamer points.
60 Yard Pass Complete a 60 yard pass. 15
60 Yard Run Complete a 60 yard run. 15
90 Yard Pass Complete a 90 yard pass. 30
80 Yard Run Complete an 80 yard run. 35
Intercept 2 Passes Get 2 interceptions with one player. 20
Intercept 5 Passes Intercept 5 total passes in one game. 35
Deflect 4 Passes Deflect 4 or more passes with one player. 20
7 Sacks with One Player Sack the Quarterback 7 times with one player in one game. 35
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