Editing Functions for Scrolling Text Material
The following editing functions are available for scrolling text material:
•Deleting the line breaks at the ends of lines (This is helpful when pasting emailed text.)
•Adding a screen-width space at the end of a line to separate sentences in a single piece of text material
•Stripping out unnecessary space at the end of a line
The procedure is as follows for any of the cases above:
1Select the desired part of the text.
2Right-click the selection. A pop-up menu appears.
3Click [Delete Line Break], [Add Space to End of Line], or [Strip Trailing Space], depending on the purpose.
Modifying Text Material
Right-click the desired text material in the Material Management window, then click [Edit] on the menu. This opens the Edit Text dialog box containing the selected text data. Modify it as you desire, and click [Save].
To modify the type and/or title of a piece of material, double-click the column for type or title of the desired material in the Material Management window. This enables editing in that column. Press the Enter key to complete the modification.
Specifying the Date for Automatic Deletion
Right-click the desired material in the Material Management window, then click [Set Delete Date] or [Clear Delete Date]. When you click [Set Delete Date], a calendar appears. Select the date for deletion, then click [OK].