What is the difference between DVD-R and DVD-RW?

Two types of discs are available and they are different in the following ways.

Which disc can I use?

8cm DVD-Rs and 8cm DVD-RWs are available.

How can I choose between these two discs?

The number of recordable times is different for the two discs. Choose the one that meets your needs.

8cm DVD-R

You can use the following discs:

DMR30 (single-sided disc)

DMR60DS (double-sided disc)

8cm DVD-RW

You can use the following discs:

DMW30 (single-sided disc)

DMW60DS (double-sided disc)

Discs other than these two types cannot be used in your DVD Handycam.

Examples of incompatible discs

12cm DVD-R

12cm DVD-RW







DVD-Rs can be recorded only once.

They are suitable for long-term records and for making backup copies.

Recorded in VIDEO mode.

DVD-RWs can be overwritten repeatedly.

They are suitable for source gathering and temporary recordings.

You can choose VIDEO mode or VR mode to make your recordings.

In VIDEO mode and VR (Video Recording) mode

VIDEO mode: A disc has wide compatibility with other players.

VR mode: A disc can be edited on a DVD Handycam but the players are limited.