Recording still images on a “Memory Stick” during tape recording
Image size of still images

Image size is automatically set to 640 ⋅ 480.

When you want to record still images in different size, use the Memory Photo recording (p. 135).

When the POWER switch is set to CAMERA

You cannot select image quality.

The image quality when you set the POWER switch to MEMORY/NETWORK (DCR- TRV950 only) is used. (The default setting is SUPER FINE).

During and after recording still images on a “Memory Stick”

Your camcorder continues recording on tape.

When you press PHOTO on the Remote Commander

Your camcorder immediately records the image that is on the screen when you press the button.

To record still images on a “Memory Stick” during tape recording

You cannot check an image on the screen by pressing PHOTO lightly. The image when you press PHOTO will be recorded on the “Memory Stick.”

To record images with higher quality

We recommend that you use the Memory Photo recording (p. 135).


The title cannot be recorded.

Operations Recording Advanced