

(6.3.) In the event of default of payment, the Customer shall have to


Unless otherwise agreed in writing, the General Terms and


pay interest on the sums due and unpaid, in the rate of the refi-


Conditions of Sony DADC Austria AG (hereinafter referred to as


nancing cost prevailing, but not less than 12% per annum. All


”DADC”) shall form an integral part of all quotations and


extrajudicial dunning and collection expenses, including the cost


purchase contracts. Customer’s purchasing conditions differing


of legal advisers and debt collectors, shall have to be paid by


from these General Terms & Conditions shall be of no effect.




Terms of Sale


Delivery to Third Parties


Quotation and Price


Where a Customer specifies that an order given by him, or any


Unless otherwise agreed, the prices are understood net ex


part thereof, be shipped and invoiced to a third party (i.e. to an


Supplier’s domicile in A-5081 Anif, Sonystrasse 20, exclusive of


affiliate company of Customer or one of his distribution partners


freight and without any discount. The prices of the last quotation


etc.), Customer shall continue to be liable towards DADC. DADC


made by DADC shall apply.


shall have the right to charge extra cost incurred for packing and


Order and Order Acknowledgement


transportation. If the delivery is to be carried out on behalf of a


For each product-type minimum order quantities exist which are


Customer by DADC directly to a third party in a non EU country,


part of DADC’s Customer Manual for the specific product.


the Customer shall make available to DADC either the commer-


All orders from Customer to DADC must be in writing, and shall


cial invoice or the merchandise value which has to be paid by the


be considered accepted if confirmed in writing by DADC.


third party for the assessment of the import taxes.


Agreements, if any, with agents and/or representatives and other


If such delivery is carried out to a third party in an EU country,


agreements with Customers including legally binding promises or


the Customer shall make available to DADC the VAT identification


deviations from the general terms and conditions will not be valid


number of the third party prior to the delivery. If such information


unless also accepted in writing by DADC.


is not provided by the Customer or is incomplete or incorrect, he


Quantity to be delivered


shall indemnify and hold harmless DADC in this respect, parti-


The quantity to be delivered shall be determined by DADC’s


cularly with a view to any customs penalties and duties.


order acknowledgement in writing. Unless otherwise agreed the


Defects Liability Guarantee


Customer agrees to accept production-related variations in the


In case of a complaint, the Customer shall have to provide for


quantity to be delivered of more or less than 5% per title ordered.


proper storage of the rejected goods, and to hold them at


For orders of 1,000 units or less per title, the Customer shall


DADC’s disposal until the complaint has been settled.


accept production-related deviations of up to 100 units, which


DADC shall have the right to release itself from any claims for


will be charged in the invoice.


reasonable reduction of price by correcting defective goods


Delivery Time


and/or by supplying missing goods in a manner acceptable to


The delivery period agreed shall commence as soon as DADC


Customer. Defects of a part of a shipment (order) do not give


has received from the Customer all components required


right to reject the complete shipment.


according to DADC’s specification. Delivery shall be considered


Retention of Ownership


to have been made in time if the goods ordered have left the


All goods delivered shall remain in DADC’s property until all


factory in A-5081 Anif or A-5303 Thalgau prior to expiration of


claims DADC may have under its relationship with Customer


the period of delivery.


have been fully satisfied.


Delivery periods and delivery dates shall be understood to be


Claims for Damages


without engagement.


Claims for damages raised by Customer for breach of contract

(3.3.) DADC shall have the right to make part deliveries and advance


by DADC e.g. for non-fulfilment or for default, shall be excluded


deliveries. A cancellation of orders by the Customer, although it


unless Customer furnishes proof that the damage has been


might be legitimate and following an extension of the delivery


caused by gross negligence on the part of DADC.


period, shall not apply to part deliveries or advance deliveries


Rights of Mechanical Duplication, Copyrights, Author Rights,


made before.


Other Rights


Place of Fulfilment and Passage of Risk


Customer declares to possess all rights for the purpose of


The place of fulfilment and passage of risk for all deliveries shall


duplication, including the right of mechanical duplication, the


be the factory of DADC in A-5081 Anif or A-5303 Thalgau, or a


right to use certain film-, sound-, data- or other software recor-


distribution warehouse separately specified by DADC.


dings etc. and he guarantees that all copyright fees and other


The risk in respect to the goods delivered shall pass to Customer


payable fees be paid to the owner of the rights or to the compe-


at the time they are delivered to the carrier. This also applies to


tent organizations representing the owners, and that no claims in


part deliveries.


this respect will be raised against DADC. Customer shall indem-


Except as otherwise provided herein, shipment and method of


nify DADC in all respects, in particular for claims raised by third


shipment shall be exclusively determined by DADC. DADC shall


parties, including claims for copyright organizations or other


arrange for the transport and shall pay the cost of transport


organizations, and for expenses arising from legal or court action


packing as well as the cost of usual transport insurance for an


for asserted or factual violation of such rights. Such indemnifi-


insurance value up to the amount of the relevant DADC invoice.


cations shall include production cost, if any, incurred by DADC.


Other expenses, e.g. expenses for specific packing, extra cost


The Customer agrees that DADC will disclose that information on


for individual consignments, freight charges, etc. shall be for


individual orders to copyright utilization companies and other


exclusive account of Customer. The Customer shall have to pay


organizations dealing with the protection of copyrights of any


all customs duties, sales taxes, border expenses etc. even if the


kind, which is required by these companies for ensuring a proper


order for transport has been given by DADC.


licence settlement and/or for the control of safeguarding any


In the event of delay of shipment caused by circumstances within




the responsibility of Customer, all risks including the risk of acci-




dental loss shall pass to the Customer at the time DADC gives


Customer shall furnish to DADC his specific production material,


notice that the goods are ready for collection, i.e. at the time


including master, label films, print films etc. corresponding to the


such notice is sent by DADC. In the event of delay caused by


specification given in DADC’s customer manual in vigor. Where


circumstances within the responsiblity of Customer, the


Customer furnishes production material which is not in line with


Customer will be charged storage cost of at least 5% per month


applicable DADC specifications, DADC can complete, improve or


of the gross invoice value, beginning at the time DADC has given


return such production material at the expense of Customer.


notice that the goods are ready for shipment.


Print material delivered by the Customer can be used only if


Invoices and Terms of Payment


complying with DADC specifications. Except as otherwise


The prices agreed are understood ex DADC factory in A-5081


agreed, DADC shall not be obliged to store print materials in


Anif/Austria, Sonystrasse 20, exclusive of sales tax (VAT).


excess of the disc-quantity ordered. Customer agrees that DADC


All payments shall have to be made in cash, free of charges and


shall not be liable for losses up to a maximum of 5% occurring


without deductions. Enforcement of counterclaims by setoff or by


during packaging, machine adjustment, disruptions etc.


exercise of retention rights by the Customer shall be excluded,


All material to be delivered to DADC by Customer or on


provided such exclusion is permitted by the laws in vigor.


Customer’s behalf, shall be ”delivered Anif duty paid” in accord-


Payments shall not be considered to discharge the debtor unless


ance with INCOTERMS.


made into DADC’s banking account, except as otherwise agreed


After 3 months Mastertapes (CD-R, U-Matic, etc.) will either be


(e.g. payment by cheque).


scrapped or returned at customer’s request and expense.

(5.3.) All payments shall be first counted against the expenses (dun-


Same procedure will apply for films (Artwork- and Labelfilms)


ning expenses, legal expense), then against interest accrued,


without reorder for 2 years.


and finally against the capital, i.e. against the oldest outstanding


The cost paid for by Customer for master and stamper produc-


debt. Cheques and bills of exchange shall be accepted upon


tion merely include the services rendered by DADC in connection


special agreement only, and merely on account of payment, not


therewith, while masters and stampers shall remain the property


in lieu of payment. Cheques and bills of exchange shall be consi-


of DADC. If so requested by Customer, they will be destroyed


dered payment upon encashment, at the value date on which


upon completion of production. In case of a destruction, any


they have been credited to DADC by the bank. DADC shall have


repeat order shall be considered a new order, with all costs con-


the right to refuse, without showing cause, any payment offered


nected therewith.


by cheques or bills of exchange.


Customer guarantees that DADC will only receive duplicates of


Unless otherwise agreed, all invoices issued by DADC shall be-


masters, label films and films for preparation of print materials.


come due for payment within 30 days from invoice date, without


Should DADC be liable for loss or damage to such materials,


any deduction.


such liability shall be limited to the value of material, but not ex-


The place of performance of all payments shall be A-5081


ceeding a maximum value of € 1,000.


Anif/Austria, Sonystrasse 20.


In case the goods supplied by DADC are passed or sold to third


Consequences of Delayed or Refused Performance


parties, Customer shall have to inform such third party in regard

(6.1.) Even after having accepted an order, DADC shall also have the


to proper use and handling of the goods.


right to refuse performance and/or delivery if, as a result of a


Customer shall not have the right to use the company name of


circumstance become known or arising also after the contract


DADC or a component thereof, nor any reference to the company


has been concluded, there is fear that the Customer will be un-


name of DADC on its products, notices, business or advertising


able to fulfil his duties completely or in time or if the contents of


materials, unless expressly agreed by DADC in writing.


the film, sound, data or other software recordings given to DADC


Austrian law shall exclusively apply to all quotations and pur-


for duplication violate laws or moral principles. Similarly, DADC


chase contracts, as well as to these General Terms and


shall be entitled to refuse the acceptance of the order and/or the




delivery unless it is clear without doubt that the Customer dis-


DADC and Customer agree that all disputes arising out of these


poses of all rights for duplication of the recordings concerned.


Terms and Conditions be referred to the courts having jurisdic-


Where the period allowed for payment has been exceeded,


tion in the province capital of Salzburg, waiving any other venue


Customer shall be considered to be in default, without that any


of jurisdiction.


special notice has to be given by DADC. In such case DADC


Additional agreements, information and complaints shall have to


shall have the right to cancel all periods allowed for payment - in-


be made in writing, and can be accepted only if sent to Sony


cluding these for accepted bills - and to demand payment imme-


DADC Austria AG, A-5081 Anif/Austria, Sonystrasse 20, for the


diately. In all cases of agreements on payment in instalments,


attention of ”Customer Service”. Notices given to DADC


non-payment of any one instalment shall constitute default on


shall not be legally effective unless sent to such address.


the part of Customer, to the extent permitted by law.








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Sony DVD Rom/DVD Video manual Rights of Mechanical Duplication, Copyrights, Author Rights

DVD Rom/DVD Video specifications

Sony DVD-ROM/DVD Video technology has played a significant role in the evolution of home entertainment and data storage. Since its introduction in the late 1990s, this versatile format has enabled users to enjoy high-quality video and audio, making it a standard for movie distribution and video playback.

One of the main features of Sony DVD-ROM is its substantial storage capacity. A single-layer DVD can hold approximately 4.7 GB of data, which is significantly more than a standard CD, while dual-layer DVDs can store up to 8.5 GB. This increased capacity allows for higher-quality video content, including full-length movies, with multiple audio tracks and subtitles included.

In terms of video quality, DVD Video supports a resolution of up to 720x480 pixels, providing a clear and vibrant viewing experience. The technology utilizes advanced compression techniques, such as MPEG-2, to efficiently encode video files while maintaining high fidelity. This level of quality, coupled with the ability to offer surround sound formats like Dolby Digital and DTS, makes DVD a preferred choice for cinema-quality home viewing.

Another significant characteristic of Sony DVD technology is its robustness and durability. Compared to other media formats, DVDs are less susceptible to scratches and degradation, ensuring a longer lifespan for physical media. They also employ error correction technologies that help maintain data integrity, providing a reliable storage medium for both movies and computer files.

One of the innovative features of Sony's DVD technology is the menu and navigation system. Users can easily access different scenes, bonus content, and settings through an interactive graphic interface. This enhances the overall viewing experience, offering flexibility to skip chapters or access special features without hassle.

Sony has also embraced the evolution of DVD technology with the introduction of DVD-Audio and DVD-RAM formats. DVD-Audio provides superior audio quality, supporting multi-channel sound and higher sampling rates, catering to audiophiles. Additionally, DVD-RAM offers rewritable disk capabilities, making it suitable for data storage solutions that require frequent modifications.

In conclusion, Sony DVD-ROM/DVD Video technology has established itself as a cornerstone in digital media. With impressive storage capacity, superior video and audio quality, robust durability, and user-friendly navigation, it continues to influence the landscape of home entertainment. As technology progresses, understanding these characteristics becomes essential for consumers and content creators alike, ensuring they can make informed choices in a shifting digital era.