Changing the settings of your camcorder recordings (Continued)

WB SHIFTTo set items for the white balance shift.


Description and settings


Selects a color filter type for the white balance shift.



: Film type (color conversion and correction)



: Video type (correction of R and B levels)




Sets a color temperature offset value.



(bluish) to +9 (reddish)




Sets a color correct offset value.



(greenish) to +9 (magentish)





Sets an R level.




(low R level) to +9 (high R level)





Sets a B level.




(low B level) to +9 (high B level)





DETAILTo set items for the detail.


Description and settings


Sets the detail level.


-7 to +7







: Turns on and off the manual detail adjustment.



: Enables the manual detail adjustment (automatic



optimization will not be performed).



: Disables the manual detail adjustment.


[V/H BALANCE] : Sets the horizontal (H) and vertical (V) balance of





[B/W BALANCE]: Selects the balance of the upper DETAIL (P) and



the lower DETAIL (N).



TYPE 1 (off to the lower DETAIL (N) side) to



TYPE 5 (off to the upper DETAIL (P) side)


[BLACK LIMIT] : Sets the limit level of the lower DETAIL (N).



0 (Low limit level: likely to be limited) to 7 (High



limit level: not likely to be limited)



: Sets the limit level of the upper DETAIL (P).



0 (Low limit level: likely to be limited) to 7 (High



limit level: not likely to be limited)



: Sets the crispening level.



0 (shallow crispening level) to 7 (deep crispening





[HI-LIGHT DTL] : Sets the DETAIL level in the high intensity areas.



-2 to +2