Editing recorded tracks

You can edit your recordings by adding/ erasing track marks or labeling tracks and MDs. Premastered MDs cannot be edited.

You cannot edit tracks on an MD that is record-protected. Before editing tracks, close the tab on the side of the MD (page 50).

If you perform an editing operation while playing, be sure not to turn the power off until “Edit” disappears in the display.

Do not move the recorder while “Edit”* is flashing in the display.

The lid will not open until “Edit” disappears in the display after editing.

When group mode is on, editing can be performed only for the tracks registered into the selected group.

Labeling/relabeling recordings

You can name tracks, groups and discs using the recorder’s character palette.

Available characters

Capital and small letters of the English alphabet

Numbers 0 to 9

! " # $ % & ( ) * . ; < = > ? @ _ ` + – ' , / : _ (space)

Numbers of characters you can input

Track, group, or disc name: Approx. 200 each

Numbers of characters you can input in a disc

Numbers/marks: Approx. 1,700


“FULL” appears when you try to enter more than 1,700 characters on a disc. Enter a shorter name for the track, group, or disc, or set the “LPStmp” setting to “OFF” when recording in MDLP mode so that “LP:” is not be added at the beginning of the track name (page 26).

When labeling a disc which has been recorded using the group function, make sure group mode is on in order to prevent the group management information from being overwritten by mistake.

If you enter the symbol “//” between the characters in disc names such as “abc//def”, you may be unable to use the group function.










VOL +/–


