



The playing time of a

This is due to a calculation discrepancy between the

checked-out track is

recorder and the computer.

different from the time that


appears on your computer






You cannot check out tracks

The minimum recordable time on the disc is normally 2

that will fill up the

seconds in stereo, 4 seconds in LP2 stereo mode, and 8

remaining recording time on

seconds in LP4 stereo mode. When you check-out a track

the disc. (For example, you

from your computer the recorder needs 2 seconds (4 or 8

cannot check-out tracks that

seconds)-space for one track even though the track is

total 160 minutes to an 80-

under 2 seconds (4 or 8 seconds) length. Also the recorder

inserts 2 seconds (4 or 8 seconds)-space between tracks

minute disc in LP2 stereo

when checking out in order not to erase the previously


recorded track or not to be erased by recorded over. For



this reason, the recorder needs 6 seconds (12 or 24


seconds) longer time for a track so that as a result, the


recordable time of the disc become 6 seconds (12 or 24


seconds) shorter than the maximum recordable time of the


disc when checking out.



You cannot erase a track

To erase a track that has been checked out from your

checked out from your

computer, check it back in first, and then erase it using the


OpenMG Jukebox software.


