Troubleshooting (continued)


Follow the instructions below if a message appears in the display.


ACCESSThe player is accessing the flash



This is not an error. This message appears during Check-out and during initialization of the flash memory.

AVLSThe volume exceeds the maximumTurn down the volume or cancel the


level.AVLS function (page 10, 13).




CONNECTThe player is connected to theThis is not an error. You can operate


computer.using the OpenMG Jukebox software,



but you cannot operate the controls on



the player.




FLASH ERRThe player cannot read the data in theThere is an error in the data. Initialize



the memory (see below).




HI DC INThe DC IN voltage is too high.The connected computer may have



trouble. Disconnect the dedicated USB



cable and examine the computer.
HOLDThe HOLD switch is ON, and no


operating buttons are available.

This is not an error. Switch the HOLD switch to OFF before operating the buttons (page 14).

LOW BATTERYThe battery is low, and needs to be


You must change the battery (page 7).
LOW DC INThe DC IN voltage is too low.

The connected computer may have trouble. Disconnect the dedicated USB cable and examine the computer.

NO MUSICThere are no tracks inside


the player.

Use the OpenMG Jukebox to check-out music items. Refer to the OpenMG Jukebox Operating Instructions.

To initialize the flash memory

If “FLASH ERR” appears in the display, there is an error in the data in the built-in flash memory. In this case, connect the Network Walkman to your computer and initialize the flash memory using the OpenMG Jukebox software. Once you begin initializing the memory of Network Walkman, do not disconnect the USB cable until initialization is completed.

Disconnecting the USB cable during initialization may destroy the data in the flash memory. For details about initializing, refer to the online help for the OpenMG Jukebox software.


If “FLASH ERR” appears even after initializing the flash memory, please contact an authorized Sony service center.