About i.LINK

The DV jack on this unit is an i.LINK-compliant DV input/output jack. This section describes the i.LINK standard and its features.

What is i.LINK?

i.LINK is a digital serial interface for handling digital video, digital audio and other data in two directions between equipment having the i.LINK jack, and for controlling other equipment.

i.LINK-compatible equipment can be connected by a single i.LINK cable. Possible applications are operations and data transactions with various digital AV equipment. When two or more i.LINK-compatible equipment are connected to this unit in a daisy chain, operations and data transactions are possible with not only the equipment that this unit is connected to but also with other devices via the directly connected equipment.

Note, however, that the method of operation sometimes varies according to the characteristics and specifications of the equipment to be connected, and that operations and data transactions are sometimes not possible on some connected equipment.


Normally, only one piece of equipment can be connected to this unit by the i.LINK cable (DV connecting cable). When connecting this unit to i.LINK-compatible equipment having two or more i.LINK jacks (DV jacks), refer to the operating instructions of the equipment to be connected.

About the name “i.LINK”

i.LINK is a more familiar term for IEEE 1394 data transport bus proposed by SONY, and is a trademark approved by many corporations.

IEEE 1394 is an international standard standardized by the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers.

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