The setup of the AREA CODE switches
The default AREA CODE setting is “Japan”.
Set the AREA CODE switches to the appropriate positions using a sharp- pointed object following the information given in the table below. You cannot use the unit in areas other than the areas indicated on the table.
•“1” for the parameter in the table indicates that setting the switch to the ON side.
•The relationship between the
(e. g., when you set to Japan) (e. g., when you set to the USA)
The setup list for the AREA CODE switch
Country | Parameter | Country | Parameter | Country | Parameter |
or area |
| or area |
| or area |
Japan | 000000 | Greece | 110100 | Sweden | 010110 |
United States | 100000 | Ireland | 101100 | Switzerland | 110110 |
Australia | 010000 | Italy | 011100 | Taiwan | 001110 |
Austria | 110000 | Netherlands | 010010 | United Kingdom | 101110 |
Belgium | 001000 | New Zealand | 110010 | Canada | 100000 |
Denmark | 111000 | Norway | 001010 | Hong Kong | 100000 |
Finland | 000100 | Portugal | 011010 | Luxembourg | 001000 |
France | 100100 | Singapore | 111010 |
Germany | 010100 | Spain | 100110 |