Thumbnail Screen

Click a thumbnail in the screen to preview an enlarged version.

Preview Screen

[To Thumbnail Screen]

The following operations can be done on the enlarged display.

[b] [B]. Click to display the previous or next image.

[To Thumbnail Screen]. Click to go to the Thumbnail screen.

Changing the Print Size of the UP-D70A


You can change the print size used UPA-D70A printer.

Changing the print size is done in the [Setting – H/W – Printer – UP-D70A] screen. For details about how to use the Configuration Utility, refer the User’s Guide.

Use this screen to set the print size of the UP-D70A printer. Touching the [Size] button toggles the setting between [810] and [812].


Use print pack UPC-747 when you select [812].

Setting the Image Format when Scanning

You can set the data format of images scanned from photographs or film. This setting is done with Configuration Utility. You can adjust the settings in the [Setting – H/W – Scanner – UY-S90/100] screen (film scanner) or in the [Setting – H/W – Scanner – FlatbedScanner] screen (flatbed scanner). For details about how to access the Configuration Utility, refer to the User’s Guide.

You can select from [JPEG] or [BMP] format for images scanned from photographs or film. Touching the [Format] button toggles the selection between [JPEG] and [BMP].

Annotating Receipts

You can enter two, 20-characater lines of text that appear at the bottom of receipts. Specify the text of your annotation in the Configuration Utility, [Setting – Receipt – Text strings] screen. For details about the Configuration Utility, refer to the User’s Guide.

Touch the [Text strings1] button (text entry of the first line) or touch the [Text strings2] button (text entry of the second line) to open the text input screen. Follow the procedure from Step 5 of “Annotating Images”.