4. COMMAND Field
There are 2 types of COMMAND fi eld, which are REQUEST and RESPONSE. REQUEST command is
sent to the PROJECTOR from CONTROLLER. On the other hand, RESPONSE command is sent by
PROJECTOR as a response to the REQUEST command.
(1) REQUEST Command
COMMAND fi led for REQUEST has 3 sub fi elds shown as follows.
Fig. 4-7 COMMAND Filed for REQUEST
1) REQUEST sub fi eld
There are only two types of request. One is the GET request to acquire the projector information and
status. The other is the SET request to modify the projector setup.
SET (00h) Used to control turning the power on/off and to control the input selector, and to change
the various setups.
GET (01h) Used to acquire the installation information, equipment status and various setup values.
2) ITEM NO sub fi eld
Refer to 6. of the section 4-3-2.
3) DATA LENGTH sub fi eld
This sub fi eld shows the length in byte of the DATA fi eld in the SDCP packet. The maximum data
length is 128 bytes. If there is no data to be sent, its value should be 0h.