1. Overview1-1. Introduction
The projector is remotely controllable over RS-232C as well as Ethernet. It is useful for setting up the
projector away from the operator.
This protocol manual describes the specifi cations such as packet format and procedures for controlling the
In the following sections below, the term “CONTROLLER” is used as a device which controls the projec-
tor. CONTROLLER can be a PC or other specifi c device that is able to handle RS-232C or Ethernet.
Although most of commands are available for both RS-232C and Ethernet, some commands are dedicated
to Ethernet.
* Ethernet is a registered trademark of Xerox Corporation.
1-2. Glossary of Terms
Table 1-1 Glossary of Terms
Terms Abbreviated Description
CONTROLLER _ Command initiator such as PCs.
PROJECTOR _ Front projector.
SDAP Simple Display Advertisement Protocol Protocol name for advertising the projector status over
SDCP Simple Display Control Protocol Protocol name for controlling projector over Ethernet.
PJLink _ Protocol name for controlling projector over Ethernet.
DDDP Dynamic Device Discovery Protocol AMX Device Discovery is the protocol name by AMX
to enable to confi gure the AMX control system and
other intended devices.
1-3. Protocol Stack Structure
The protocol stack structure diagram is shown below. Though the stack is drawn for RS-232C and Ether-
net separately, the following portions are common.
Table 1-2 Common Portions in Protocol Stack
Layer Name Description
Sub Command Value is assigned for projector’s functions. Refer to the section 2-1 for detail description.
Simplifi ed Command Packet format for sending/receiving “Sub Command”. Refer to the section 3-6-1 for detail