5. DATA Field
The content to be fi lled in this fi eld depends on the COMMAND fi eld. For SET Request commands,
appropriate DATA value accompanied with ITEM NO should be chosen. ITEM NO (item number) and its
data is shown in the section 2-1-1.
For the GET REQUEST and OK RESPONSE, this fi eld should not be provided. In that case, DATA
LENGTH should be 0h.
6. Items
ITEM NO sub fi eld has 2 bytes long. Some of the value for ITEM NO (item number) are defi ned in the
section 2-1-1 as a part of the Sub Command.
Table 4-1 ITEM List For SDCP
0000h _ 00FFh Item Numbers are defi ned in the section 2-1-1.
Use the value of <Table2> (Data) for DATA Field.
0100h _ 01FFh Item Numbers are defi ned in the section 2-1-1.
Use the value of <Table2> (Data) for DATA Field.
1700h _ 17FFh Item Numbers are defi ned in the section 2-1-1.
Use the value of <Table2> (Data) for DATA Field.
1900h _ 19FFh Item Numbers are defi ned in the section 2-1-1.
Use the value of <Table2> (Data) for DATA Field.
1B00h _ 1BFFh Item Numbers are defi ned in the section 2-1-1.
Use the value of <Table2> (Data) for DATA Field.
7000h _ 7001h This is the RS-232C encapsulation mode. “Simple Command” can be encap-
sulated in the DATA fi eld.
For the packet format of the command, refer to the section 3-6-1.
Use 7000h for the command which the response is expected. Use 7001h for
the command which no response is expected.
8000h _ 80FFh For acquiring equipment information. Refer to the (1) below. _O
9000h _ 90FFh For acquiring the network setup information. Refer to the (2) below. _O
[SDCP Specifi c Command]
(1) Acquire Equipment Information
This is for acquiring information of PROJECTOR. While the higher byte is fi xed as 80h shown in the
table above, the lower byte is defi ned as follows.
Lower byte Contents SET GET
00h Category Code _ O
01h Model name _ O
02h Serial number _ O
03h Installation location O O
0x8000 Category code
1 byte