01GB01COV-AE4.book Page 22 Friday, August 10, 2001 3:36 PM

Entering Text

You have the possibility to enter characters:

Standard Text Entry using the keypad.

Standard Text Entry using the Jog Dial.

Text Entry using the T9 fast text entry method.

Standard Text Entry

Using the keypad

Press the corresponding alphanumeric key multiple times until the desired character appears.

Using the Jog Dial

Press a key once and then rotate the Jog Dial until the desired character appears. Press the Jog Dial or wait for a moment to confirm.

Example: To enter “s” when creating a message:

1Proceed as in Create (see page 31), then

2Press . A character or number appears.

3Rotate the Jog Dial to “s”.

4Press the Jog Dial (or wait) to confirm.

Press to shift among:

lower case letters permanently

upper case letter and then revert back to lower case

upper case letters permanently


Press and hold to activate/deactivate the T9 function (see page 23).

Press to clear the character or number just

before the cursor. To clear the entire text, press

and hold .
