6.13 To adjust the synchronization between optical and
SDDS playback, access the Master SDDS
Settings screen by selecting Master SDDS from
the Master item on the main screen menu bar.
First set the coarse adjustment of frame offset by
counting the actual frames of film between the
projectors film gate and the LEDs of the DFP-
R3000 Reader. You must have at least 32 frames.
This adjustment cannot be changed while film is
Now adjust the Fine Lip Sync by playing the SDDS Installation reel or a quality, dialog-heavy
feature print (not a trailer, which may have loose sync) and comparing optical and digital dialog.
Set the fine lip sync to make the two coincident. Do this by plugging headphones into the front
panel of the DFP-D3000 and turning the Monitor switch to position 5 (the LCD display will
briefly indicate Lt+Rt/SOURCE_Cch). The left output will contain the optical center channel
and the right output will contain the digital center channel audio. Verify your setting by watching
the film from a mid-audience position and check that the dialog synchronization appears to be
correct; dont use the projection booth monitor while looking through the booths port hole or
you will retard the sound by about two frames.
The DFP-D3000 allows you to use this same feature to check synchronization of the AUX input
signals. This means that if you also have DTS or SRD sources you can check their synchroniza-
tion against the optical tracks, even though their manufacturers do not offer this capability.
6.14 Setting up Preset configurations. A Preset is a set of retained DFP-D3000 Decoder settings that apply
to a particular input signal. These settings are associated with eight numbered switch buttons on the
front panel of the Decoder which are used to select inputs. Pressing any of these buttons once will
cause the LCD screen to display its current assignments; this is only a display function. Pressing a
button twice will select its associated input as the signal source for the Decoder and will also load the
corresponding Presets retained parameters.
Sony recommends that these default Preset assign-
ments be Maintained, but the signal type can be
renamed for convenience. For Example, AUX1
could be renamed to DTS, but keep it as Preset 6
unless you have good reason to do otherwise.
Button Input Signal Type
1 Microphone
2 Non-sync
3 PEC - Academy mono
4 PEC - NR1
5 PEC - NR2
6 AUX1
7 AUX2