9-60 DFP-3000
9.11.6 Description of Tools Menu Items
The following shows the Tool menu screen.
The items of the Tool menu have the following functions.
Copy Chan: Copies the B-chain setting channel
Reset Chan: Returns the B-chain adjustment value to the initial state (0)
Upload New Firmware to DFP-D3000: For installing new
software (firmware) to the DFP-D3000.
Restore DFP: For transferring set data to the DFP-D3000.
Link Mute Channels to Channel Select: For linking the B-chain adjustment channel selection to the
Mute ON/OFF setting (Displayed when not linked)
Unlink Mute Channels to Channel Select: For setting to not link the B-chain adjustment channel selec-
tion to the Mute ON/OFF setting (Displayed when linked)
Nominalize EQ Bands: Offsets EQ in general
Compare Project: Displays the difference in the comparison of the current
setting and file setting in the disk