Enlarging a part of the still image (Zoom and trimming)

1 Set the MODE selector to PLAY.

2 Display the image to be enlarged.

3 Zoom in/out the image with the zoom button.

The zoom scaling indicator appears on the LCD screen.

4 Press the control button repeatedly to select the desired part of the image. v: The image moves downward V: The image moves upward b: The image moves rightward B: The image moves leftward

To return to the normal size

Zoom in with the zoom button until the zoom scaling indicator (×1.1) disappears from the screen, or simply press z.

To record an enlarged image (trimming)

1Enlarge the image.

2Press the shutter button. The image is recorded at 640×480 size, then the display returns to the image display before enlargement.


You cannot trim images recorded in TEXT mode or uncompressed images.

The maximum zoom magnification is 5× the original image, regardless of the image size.

The picture quality of trimmed images may deteriorate.

The original picture remains even after trimming.

The trimmed image is recorded as the newest file.