Getting started

Identifying the parts

See the pages in parentheses for details of operation.

ADisplay window

BFlash (20)

CMODE selector (30)

DShutter button (16) (21)

EPhotocell window for flash

Do not block while recording.

FSelf-timer/recording lamp

GTripod receptacle (bottom surface)

Use a tripod with a screw length of less than 9/32 inch (6.5 mm). You will be unable to firmly secure the camera to tripods having longer screws, and may damage the camera.


When cleaning the lens, first return the lens to the fully retracted position and turn off the power, then gently wipe the lens.

IBuilt-in microphone

Do not touch while recording.

JFinder window

KHook for lens cap/strap

LFinder adjustment dial (17)

M (External flash) jack

NUSB jack (26) (27)

OA/V OUT jack (48)

Audio output is monaural.

PLens cap

Be sure to remove the lens cap before turning on your camera.
