Formatting video for local playback

This extends to the exact specifications and practical details of data stream compression and using suitable containers. Optional extra processes and suggestions can be employed to further enrich the level of quality at which the multimedia video content is delivered.

Those with no prior experience of editing or formatting digital multimedia video will hopefully find the background information sufficiently enlightening, such that they can understand the more specific requirements of Sony Ericsson phones, and feel confident about the task of formatting multimedia video for them.

Software developers can access the noted ISO standards that define the container formats and compression algorithms employed.

Generated by Clearspace on 2008-05-18-05:00


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Sony Ericsson W800c, K800i, K610im, K790i, W850I, W850c, W550c, W300c, K790c, K618i, K610c, D750 Formatting video for local playback