The BCU/CAL software is compatible with the following IMC and System Manager versions:
∙IMC Software V4.01 and later
∙IMC CAM Controller Board (P/N 19D903299P3)
∙Networks/Data VME Controller ROM V1.03
∙MicroVax System Manager Software V3.01 and later (CAL only)
The System Manager Software version requirement applies only to the CAL feature. The BCU feature operates independent of the System Manager. Thus, the BCU is “compatible” with any System Manager software version.
Backwards Compatibility
The BCU/CAL will function with IMC software versions down to V3.04, with minor performance degradation. The following features are not available with IMC software versions older than V4.01:
∙The User Interface “ stats” command will not provide information regarding queued, denied, system busy, and
∙Activity records and site monitoring will not reflect queued, denied, system busy, and
∙The site monitor will not provide current control channel indication.