The Call info menu allows you to view information and | Call List |
| ||||
establish dialing and answering preferences for your | Press the left softkey to view the last 30 received, missed, | |||||||
phone (some selections available in this menu are |
| and sent calls. |
| ||||
dependent on your service provider). It also enables you | From this list you may view details, call, add the number | |||||||
to view and edit system options and call statistics. |
| to your phonebook, or delete theenumber. |
| |||||
| • |
| s |
Missed Calls |
| Call: Select the number you would like to call. Press |
| |||
| U |
| |
You can see the list of calls you have missed (if you have |
| the left softkey tolcall the number. |
| |||||
Caller ID service from your service provider) along with | • | Press |
| a |
| |||
| forithe following options: |
| ||||||
the time that the calls were received. When a missed call | • |
| c |
| ||||
is one day old, the time that the call was received is | Edit Beforer Call allows you to change the number |
| ||||||
| e |
| |||||
replaced with the date that the call was received. The |
| before dialing. |
| |||||
m |
| |||||
latest call appears first. Tilt your joystick up or down to |
| |||||
• | CC Call allows you to dial the number using a calling | |||||||
scroll through the list. The Missed Calls icon |
| mcard. |
| |||
indicates a missed or unanswered call. |
| o | • Add Number allows you to add the number to your |
| ||||
C |
| |||||||
| Phonebook. |
| |||||
If the received number is stored in the phonebookr | with a |
| |||||
name, the name is also shown in the display. To dial the | • Delete allows you to erase the number from your |
| ||||||
fo |
phone number shown in the display, press the left softkey |
| Call List. |
| ||||
t |
| ||
twice. To edit the phone number,opress once, scroll to | One of the following icons will appear next to each |
| ||||||
Edit Before Call then pressNSelect. Then tilt the joystick |
| |||||||
number in the Call List. |
| |||||||
to the left or right to move the cursor left or right to the |
| |||||||
| ||||
digit(s) that you would like to change. Dial the new | • | Indicates a missed call in your Call List. |
| |||||
phone number by pressing the left softkey. |
| ||||
| |
| Call Info Menu | 25 |