Opening a WAP Page





Note! If the WAP address starts with http://, you do





There are three ways to open a WAP page:







not need to enter this prefix. You only need to

by opening a homepage





enter the prefix if it starts with something else,

• by entering the URL or address of the WAP page



for example, ftp://.




• by opening a bookmark that you have saved.



Changing Homepages






1 Scroll to Browser, Selecte, Mobile Internet, Select.

Opening a Homepage




2 Select the WAP Profilesyou want to change, Select.

When you buy your phone, the Sony Ericsson Mobile



Chg HomepageU, Select.

Internet is set as your homepage for all WAP profiles. If



4 Enter a name for this homepage, Select.

you want, you can choose another WAP page as your





5 Enter theiaddress to the WAP page you want to set as

homepage. See “Changing Homepages” on page 70.






yourrhomepage, Select.


Browser, Select.








Options While Browsing

2 Select the top menu, Select.





The name of this menu depends on what you have chosen

While you are browsing, press to reach an Options





submenu. The menu may look different depending on

to call or name it. See “Renaming WAP Profiles”oon


page 73.




what page you are browsing. It can, for example, contain






special features of the WAP page you are currently






Entering a URL






It always, however, contains the following options:





1 Scroll to Browser, Selectt, Enter Address, Select.


2 Enter the address, foroexample







, Select



Go to Menu. Go back to the Browser menu where you







can access your bookmarks.






Reload Page. Get the latest version of the WAP page







you are browsing.


WAP Browsing