13Getting to know the phone
- Press a number key and } Call to speed dial.
Turn off the ringtone when receiving a call.
Press and hold to set the phone to silent. The alarm signals even
if the phone is set t o silent.
Press to enter a space when writing a message.
Press and hold to change the writing language when writing
a message.
Press to change letter case when writing a message.
Press and hold to toggle T9™ Text Input on and off when writing
a message.
} Info Find more information, explanations or tips about selected features,
menus or functions available in your phone %
6 Help in your phone
} More Enter a list of options. There are different alternatives in the list of
options depending on where you are in the menus.
Minimize the Walkman® or fitness application.
Toggle between the Walkman® and fitness application when open.
Turn the Music player on or off and pause play.
Resume/pause measuring in the fitness application.
Skip to the previous track when using the Walkman®.
Toggle view in the fitness application.
Skip to the next track when using the Walkman®.
Begin a new lap when using the fitness application.
Open the Walkman®.
Press and hold to take a picture
Lock or unlock the phone.
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