This section deals with the controls dedicated to adjusting and controlling the effect parameters. Elements of each effect can be altered in
Each time this button is set to ON the active effect will commence its cycle from the start point. As an example, if the FILTER effect is selected with a [FALLING] type LFO shape and the trigger duration set to 4 bars, the following will occur when the [FILTER] button is pressed on or slightly before the first beat of the bar:
This 25mm fader controls the balance between the
X-Rotary Encoder
As the pot is moved clockwise from the central "parked" position the X parameter is gradually increased in a positive manner until it reaches its maximum. As the pot is moved
As the pot is moved clockwise from the central "parked" position the Y parameter is gradually increased in a positive manner until it reaches its maximum. As the pot is moved
The encoders are geared, so the faster you turn the encoder the faster the response, the slower you turn the encoder the slower the response.
Under normal operation, one full rotation in either direction is a full sweep of the encoders.