DON'T DO THIS DURING A LIVE PERFORMANCE, OR WITH THE AMPLIFIERS TURNED UP HIGH - a sudden, very loud burst of tone will not do your ears or your loudspeakers any good! The mauve cap colour indicates that this button must be used with caution.
The three colour PPM Bargraph Meters follow the Monitor selection to show the level of the stereo MIX outputs or
This group of switches selects a choice of sources for the STEREO LISTEN switch (see below). Any combination may be selected as required.
The BAL control trims the relative levels of Left and Right Mix signals and this is positioned before the Insert point so that the Mix signal can be balanced before any compressor or other external processing unit. Note that the Mix signal is always displayed on the VU Bargraph Meter above the fader.
The stereo MIX FADER sets the final level of the MIX outputs. This should normally be set close to the `0' mark if the input GAIN settings have been correctly set, to give maximum travel on the fader for smoothest control.