SM06 Rev. 4.10

Tac/Com Control Head Manual

3.12Installation & Configuration Mode

This mode of operation is also not required for normal operation and is intended to aid in servicing and control head set-up. Some firmware functions of the control head can be set via this mode, including the following installation parameters:

-Transceiver selection for each interface slot.

-Transceiver selection for Wulfsberg C-1000 system emulation operation (RT-406F-SYS or RT-450-SYS)

-Number of radios installed in the control head. -Number of channels per radio.

-Master/Slave operation.

-DPL enable (this function is normally set OFF, to avoid tone confusion).

To enter this mode requires a special code, and switch sequence and should be USED ONLY AT THE FACTORY OR BY QUALIFIED SERVICE PERSONNEL. It is possible to completely DISABLE the control head by incorrect settings in this mode, so considerable care is required.

3.12.1Entering Configuration ModeWARNING!Incorrect Use Of This Mode May Render The Control Head INOPERABLE!Use This Function With Extreme Care.If you have ANY questions, please phone NAT prior to use.

To enter this mode do the following, EXACTLY AS DESCRIBED:

a)With the power turned off, move the EDIT switch to the CH position.

b)Turn on the control head. The '(Lock) EDIT switch OFF for normal operation.' message should appear.

c)Press the HELP button. The '...password:' message should appear.

d)i) Using the CHAN switch scroll to I.

ii)Press the NEXT Button.

iii)Using the CHAN switch scroll to A.

iv)Press the NEXT Button.

v)Using the CHAN switch scroll to C.

vi)Press the NEXT Button.

e)Push HELP to advance to the first configuration screen. Depending on the style of control head, and the options selected, the information on this and subsequent screens will vary. So don't worry if you don't see all of the features listed in the following table.

Jan 4, 2006

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