Tac/Com Control Head Manual

SM06 Rev. 4.10

3.3Initial Operation3.3.1Power-up Help

Turn the Tac/Com system on by rotating any radio volume control away from the OFF detent position. The software revision number will be briefly displayed, followed by a screen presenting an option for use of the on-line HELP system, as shown below.



If help is selected (i.e., the HELP button is pushed), the control head will present a tutorial on the operation of each control head feature. To advance through the tutorial, press HELP after reading each screen. To exit this initial help function at any time, press the RADIO button, and the control head will begin normal radio operation.

3.3.2Initial Operating Display

If help is declined (by using the RADIO button as directed), the control head will display a summary of the installed functions and current settings for each radio (this feature can be disabled in the installation set-up for faster start-up). Once all of the functions have been displayed, the radio will be ready for normal operation.

Once normal control head operation is selected, the display will install the radio and its settings as specified by the interface card and software set-up instructions. This will produce the following system message on the control head:


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Jan 4, 2006

ENG-FORM: 806-0106.DOT