Marley / MC Fluid Cooler / Specifications: Options
Convenience and Safety Options
Top Access Platform:
11.2Add the following paragraph in the Access section: There shall be an access platform at the top of the fluid cooler to allow access to the drift eliminators and distribution system. The platform shall be
15 gauge galvanized structural tubing, the handrail of which shall be capable of withstanding a 890 N concentrated live load in any direction. Posts are
51mm x 51mm square structural tub- ing and shall be spaced on centers of 2.44m or less. A ladder shall be per- manently attached to the platform and to the casing of the fluid cooler, rising from the base of the fluid cooler to the top of the handrail.
Ladder Extension:
11.2Add the following to the end of paragraph 11.2: Provide a ladder extension for connection to the foot of the ladder. This extension shall be long enough to rise from the roof
(grade) level to the base of the fluid cooler. The installing contractor shall be responsible for cutting the ladder to length; attaching it to the foot of the fluid cooler ladder; and anchoring it at its base.
Ladder Safety Cage:
11.3Add the following paragraph in the Access section: A heavy gauge galva- nized steel safety cage shall surround the ladder, extending from a point approximately 2150mm above the foot of the ladder to the top of the handrail.
Specification Value
■Periodic inspection and maintenance of a fluid cooler distribution system is fundamental to preserving maximum cooling system effi- ciency. All fluid
Access can be provided in a number of ways, including portable ladders or scaffolding, but for maximum safety and convenience, a field installed Marley access platform with guardrails is available to make this task as safe and
■Many fluid coolers are installed such that the base of the unit is 600mm or more above the roof or grade level. This makes it difficult to get up to the foot of the attached ladder. The ladder extension alle- viates this problem. Marley ladder extensions are available in stan- dard 1524mm and 3353mm lengths.