Product is too soft.
1. No vent space for free flow of cooling
2. Air temperature entering c ondenser is
above 100°F.
3. Condenser is dirty .
4. Consistenc y setting too soft.
5. Stabiliz ers in mix are broken down.
6. Auger is ass embled incorrectly.
7. Refrigeration problem.
1. A minimum of 3 inc hes of vent space required.
(See Section 2)
2. Change location or direct hot air away from
3. Clean. (See Sect i on 3)
4. Turn Consis t e nc y Adjustment knob clockw is e.
5. Remove mix, clean, s ani t i z e and freeze down
with fresh mix.
6. Remove mix, clean, reas s em bl e, s anitize and
freeze down.
7. Check s ystem. (Call distributor for service)
Product does not
di spen se.
1. No mix in hopper.
2. Mix inlet regulat or t ube i s
3. Capacity of freezer is bei ng
4. Drive motor overload tripped.
5. Drive belt failure.
6. Freeze-up (Auger will not t urn).
1. Fill hopper with mix .
2. Unplug, using sm all s anitized brush.
3. Slow up on the draw rate.
4. Reset. (If condition conti nue s , call dist ri but or
for service.)
5. Replace dri ve belt .
6. Turn CLEAN-OFF-ON switch to OFF (middle)
position for 15 minutes, then restart.
Drive belt slipping
or squealing.
1. Worn drive belt.
2. Freeze-up (Auger will not t urn).
3. Not tensioned properly
1. Replace dri ve belt .
2. Turn CLEAN-OFF-ON switch to OFF (middle)
position for 15 minutes, then restart.
3. Adjust belt tension
Low overrun.
1. Auger is ass embled incorrectly.
2. Mix inlet regulat or m i s s ing.
3. Mix inlet regulat or o-ring mi s sing.
4. Mix inlet regulat or air t ube blocked.
5. Product breakdown.
1. Remove mix, clean, s ani t i z e, and freeze down
with fresh mix.
2. Replace mix inl et regulat or.
3. Replace mix inl et regulat or o-ring.
4. Clean with saniti z ed brus h.
5. Fill freezer with fresh product .
Rear auger seal
1. Outside s urface of rear auger seal is
2. Rear seal miss i ng or damaged.
3. Seal o-ring miss ing, damaged or
installed incorrectly.
4. Worn or scrat c hed auger shaft.
1. Clean lubricant from outs ide of rear seal,
lubricate inside of s eal and reins t all.
2. Check or replace.
3. Check. or replace.
4. Replace auger shaft.
Front door leaks.
1. Front door knobs are loos e.
2. Spigot parts are not l ubric ated.
3. Chipped or worn spigot o-rings.
4. O-rings or spigot i ns t al l ed wrong.
5. Inner spigot hole in front door nick ed or
1. Tighten kn obs .
2. See Secti on 3.
3. Replace o-rings.
4. Remove spigot and check o-ring.
5. Replace front door.