A.Empty freezer & mix container of product.
B.Mix 4 gallons of warm detergent water and pour into mix container, brush mix container, pick up hose and draw tube. Pump detergent water into freezer hopper.
C.Mix sanitizer according to manufacturers instructions in quantities no less than 4 gallons. Pour sanitizer into mix container. Brush mix container, hose and draw tube to sanitize. Pump sanitizer into freezer hopper, empty remaining sanitizer from mix container and let air dry.
D.Drain detergent & sanitizer solution from the freezer.
E.Disassemble freezer according to Section 3, 3.3.
F.Clean freezer and parts according to section 3, 3.4.
G.Sanitize freezer & parts according to Section 3, 3.5.
H.Assemble per Section 3, 3.6.
I.Sanitize per Section 3, 3.7.
3.9INITIAL FREEZE DOWN AND OPERATION This section covers the recommended operating procedures to be followed for the safe operation of the freezer.
A.Sanitize just prior to use.
B.Place the CLEAN/OFF/SERVE switch in the OFF position.
C.With the spigot open, pour one cup of mix into the hopper. Allow approximately 8 oz. of sanitizing solution and mix to drain out. Close the spigot and fill the hopper with mix.
D.Place the CLEAN/OFF/SERVE switch in the SERVE position. The product will be ready to serve in about 15 minutes.
Before disassembly, all product must be removed.
A.Open spigot and completely drain freezer.
B.Prepare not less than 3 gallons of warm detergent water and pour into hopper (pump thru auto fill SO318 only).
C.Use a brush to clean the hopper then completely drain freezer.
Figure 9. Consistency Control