oid— The objectid for this object, equivalent to the system.object_id eld.
digest_algo— Always set to "sha1"for this release. Equivalent to the
data_digest— An array of bytes that represent the content digest of this object's data.
Equivalentto the system.object_hash eld.
size— The size of the data in this object, in bytes. Equivalent to the system.object_size
creation_time— The object creation time, expressed as number of milliseconds since the
epoch.Equivalent to the system.object_ctime eld.
deleted_time— The deletion time of this record, if any, as the number of milliseconds since
shredMode— Not used in this release.
is_indexed— indicates, after a store_data or store_metadata operation, whether the
metadatafor the object was successfully inserted into the query engine, and the object is
henceavailable for query. 0if false, 1if true.

Failureand Recovery

Everyfunction in the 5800 system C client library returns a result code of type hcerr_t.Any
valueother than HCERR_OK indicates a nonrecoverable error. See the hc.h le for specic error
C Client Application Deployment
Capplications using the 5800 system C API use both the 5800 system libraries and the curl
libraries.These libraries are dierent for each supported platform (Windows, Linux, Solaris
(x86),Solaris (SPARC)) and are located in the c/<OS>/lib directory in the SDK.
Note– The environment variable http_proxy should not be set for processes using the C API,
sincethe HTTP client library ( curl) makes use of it.
Nonblocking C API
Thenonblocking C API is not implemented for this release of the 5800 system. If you are
interestedin working with the nonblocking C API, contact your 5800 system Sales
NonblockingC API
Chapter3 • Sun StorageTek 5800 System C Client API 43