expr [NOT] IN (valueslist).
Note– The 5800 system emulator supports (but the cluster database does not) a JDBC
“escape”clause that allows you to treat either %or _as constant characters. There is
currentlyno way to accomplish this in a LIKE clause in a query on a live cluster.
Thefollowing JDBC function escapes have been tested and are supported:
{fnUCASE(string)} to convert a string to uppercase.
{fnLCASE(string)} to convert a string to lowercase.
{fnABS(value)} to take the absolute value of a numeric expression.
{fnLENGTH(string)} to get the length of a string.
{fnSUBSTRING(string, start, length)} toget a character string formed by
extractinglength characters from string beginning at start.
{fnLOCATE(string1, string2[, start])} tolocate the position in string2 of the
rstoccurrence of string1, searching from the beginning of string2.Ifstartis
specied,the search begins from position start.0is returned if string2 does not
{fnLTRIM(string)} to remove the leading blank spaces in a character string
{fnRTRIM(string)} to remove the trailing blank spaces of a character string
{fnCONCAT(string1, string2)} to get the concatanated character string by
appendingstring2 to string1. If a string is NULL, the result is DBMS-dependent.
{fn TIMESTAMPDIFF(interval, timestamp1, timestamp2)}. An integer representing
thenumber of interval by which timestamp2 is greater than timestamp1.interval
{fn TIMESTAMPADD(interval, count, timestamp)}. A timestamp calculated by
addingcount number of intervalstotimestamp.intervalmay be one of the
field_nameIS NOT NULL to return all objects that have a value for a specic eld. In
particular,the query "system.object_id IS NOT NULL"can be used to query all the objects
inthe system.
Note– The form "field_name IS NULL"to identify all the objects that lack a value for a
speciceld is not supported and will not work properly in all cases.
SunStorageTek5800 System Client API Reference Manual • June 2008122