Sun StorageTek5800 System Client API
TheSunTM StorageTekTM 5800 system client API provides programmatic access to a 5800 system
serverto store, retrieve, query, and delete object data and metadata. Synchronous versions are
providedin C and JavaTM languages. A future release will implement a non-blocking C API for
usewith POSIX operations.
Thischapter provides a summary of the changes for the Sun StorageTek 5800 System 1.1
release,and overviews of the client APIs and query language.
Thefollowing topics are discussed:
“Changesin Version 1.1” on page 15
“5800System Overview” on page 16

Changes inVersion 1.1

Thefollowing general changes have been made in Version 1.1.
Handlingis added for storing, retrieving, and querying the following metadata types:
char— for Latin 1 character set
string— for Unicode character set
– binary
– date
– time
– timestamp
Queryand queryplus are merged.
Preparedstatements (pstmts) are introduced to handle the values of queries that cannot be
placedinline, and a new query is introduced to handle them.
Thehandling of strings that are longer than the string length of the associated eld has