SynchronousC API
Amultiplatform synchronous C API in which operations are accomplished in a few simple
functioncalls is provided for the 5800 system. The API calls include operations for storing,
retrieving,deleting, and querying of data and metadata records. Multiple threads are supported,
andoperations block until they complete.
Youmust call hc_init (once per process) and hc_session_create_ez” on page 53 (once per
thread)prior to making any other API calls.
Allfunctions in the 5800 system C API return an hc_err. Any value other than HCERR_OK
Thissection discusses the following topics for the 5800 system synchronous C API.
“Changesfor the 1.1 Release” on page 44
“Limitations”on page 45

Changes forthe 1.1 Release

Thisrelease of the synchronous C API contains the following changes:
Handlingis added for storing, retrieving and querying the following new metadata types:
char— for Latin 1 character set
– unicode
– binary
– date
– time
– timestamp
Queryand queryplus are merged
Preparedstatements (pstmts) are introduced to handle values of queries that cannot be
placedinline, and a new query is introduced to handle them.
Thefollowing new functions have been added to the API:
hc_check_indexed_ez”on page 89
hc_decode_hcerr”on page 112
hc_decode_hc_type”on page 113
hc_schema_get_length”on page 61
hc_nvr_add_binary”on page 71
hc_nvr_add_date”on page 72
hc_nvr_add_time”on page 73
hc_nvr_add_timestamp”on page 74
hc_nvr_get_binary”on page 81
hc_nvr_get_date”on page 82
SunStorageTek5800 System Client API Reference Manual • June 200844