UpdatingClient View of the Schema

Inthe Java client API, the schema is fetched when the NameValueObjectArchive class is
instantiated.If the schema has changed, the client application needs to create a new
NameValueArchive.A local copy of the schema is used for some metadata operations.
JavaClient Application Deployment
Javaapplications using the 5800 system Java API reference the honeycomb-client.jar library.
Youmust include this library in your classpath when running your application. The 5800
systemJava API was designed to run on Java v1.4, so you need to run your client applications
witha Java environment of v1.4 or greater.
The5800 system Java client library provides a simple way of communicating with 5800 system
clusters.It provides programatic access to the 5800 system network protocol, which operates
overHTTP.You can implement most applications using a handful of these classes, but access to
“expert”features is also included.
Thissection discusses the following topics:
“JavaAPI Packages” on page 27
“JavaAPI Documentation” on page 27
“BasicConcepts” on page 28
“KeyClasses” on page 28
NameValueObjectArchiveApplication Access” on page 30

JavaAPI Packages

TheJava API is implemented in two packages:
Providesthe base classes required to interact with a 5800 system cluster.
Containsclasses for server-side exceptions.

JavaAPI Documentation

TheJava API documentation (Javadoc) is located in the SDK java/doc/htdocs directory, and
canbe accessed using a browser.
Chapter2 • Sun StorageTek 5800 System Java Client API 27