Memory Usage
The5800 system C client library generally follows the model of populating externally allocated
datastructures such as handles, buers, and result arrays.
Someinternal data structures are generated during XML document construction. These data
structuresare allocated and freed using the function pointers supplied to hc_init when
initializingthe library (see “Initializing a Global Session” on page 41).
Otherdata structures are allocated and returned to the user; these have corresponding
functionsto free them. For example, hc_session_create_ez and hc_session_free.
UpdatingS chema Denitions
TheC client library does not automatically refresh its in-memory schema denitions. If the
schemais changed through the command-line interface (CLI), a new session must be created
witha new call to hc_session_create_ez” on page 53 to access the schema changes.
Session Management
Aglobal session must be explicitly initialized with a call to hc_init and released with a call to
hc_cleanup.Memory allocators and deallocators are supplied in the initialization function to
controlhow memory allocation occurs. You will normally supply the standard malloc,free,
andrealloc functions for this functionality.

HeapMemory Allocator

Theheap memory allocator is dened as follows:
typedef void* (*allocator_t) (size_t size);

HeapMemory Deallocator

Theheap memory deallocator is dened as follows:
typedef void (*deallocator_t) (void *p);

HeapMemory Reallocator

Theheap memory reallocator is dened as follows:
typedef void (*reallocator_t) (void *p,size_t size);

Initializinga Global Session

Thefollowing function initializes a global session:
Overviewof the 5800 System C Client API
Chapter3 • Sun StorageTek 5800 System C Client API 41