Appendix C Installing the Software Manually 51
4. Install the patch:
5. Check to see if vlan drivers are installed on the system:
If you are using a Solaris SPARCsystem:
If you do not see the previous output, the VLAN Utility software is not installed
on your system. Youmay install the optional VLAN packages if desired in the
following step.
If you do see the previous output, do not reinstall the VLAN Utility software.
Select only the Sun 10 Gigabit Ethernet Driver packages.
6. Install the software packages by typing the following at the command line,
replacing the OS_VER with your version of the Solaris operating system:
If your system is running Solaris 9 or 10 software type the following:
where OS_VER is9or10andARCH is sparc.
Forexample, ifyour system isrunning the Solaris 9 SPARC operating system, you
would type the following:
#patchadd 10_GigabitEthernet/Solaris_9/sparc/Patches/114600-04
#/usr/bin/pkginfo SUNWvld SUNWvldx
system SUNWvld Sun Ethernet Vlan Utility Routines
system SUNWvldx Sun Ethernet Vlan Utility Routines (64-bit)
#/usr/sbin/pkgadd -d
#/usr/sbin/pkgadd -d