iv Sun 10-Gigabit Ethernet PCI-X Adapter Installation and User’s Guide December 2005
10-Gigabit Ethernet Driver Parameter Values and Definitions 20
Flow Control Parameters 20
Interrupt Parameters 21
Jumbo Frames 22
To Configure Jumbo Frames Usingndd 22
To Configure Jumbo Frames in a Linux Environment 23
Setting ixge Driver Parameters 23
Setting Parameters Using the ndd Utility 23
To Specify Device Instances for thendd Utility 24
Noninteractive and Interactive Modes 24
To Use thendd Utility in Noninteractive Mode 24
To Use thendd Utility in Interactive Mode 25
Setting Parameters Using the ixge.conf File 26
To Set Driver Parameters Using aixge.conf File 27
10-Gigabit Ethernet Driver Operating Statistics 29
To Check Link Partner Settings 32
To Discover Device Capabilities 34
To Discover Link Settings 35
Configuration Checking 35
4. Configuring VLANs 37
Overview of VLANs 37
Configuring VLANs 39
To Configure Static VLANs 40
A. Specifications 43
Performance Specifications 43
Physical Characteristics 44
Power Requirements 44