32 Sun PCI High Speed Quad Port Serial Interface Adapter User’s Guide • December 2005
FIGUREB-1 illustratesa synchronous null modem cable that enables you to connect
two Sun systems that each supply clocking, using the RS-449 interface. Each Sun
system supplies clocking on pins 17 and 35. The null modem cable routes this
clocking to pins 8 and 26 on the opposite side to provide receive clocking.
Because the RS-449 interface is balanced, there are two pins for each signal. For
example, TransmitData (TxD), pins 4 and 22, is connected to Received Data (RxD),
pins 6 and 24. This means that pin 4 is connected to pin 6 and pin 22 is connected to
pin 24.
FIGUREB-1 Null Modem Cable –Both Sun Systems Supplies Clocking
TxD (4,22)
RxD (6,24)
RTS (7,25)
CTS (9,27)
DSR (11,29)
SG (19)
DCD (13,31)
RxC (8,26)
DTR (12,30)
TxC (17,35)
Sun workstation
TxD (4,22)
RxD (6,24)
RTS (7,25)
CTS (9,27)
DSR (11,29)
SG (19)
DCD (13,31)
RxC (8,26)
DTR (12,30)
TxC (17,35)
Sun workstation