34 Sun PCI High Speed Quad Port Serial Interface Adapter User’s Guide • December 2005
X.21 to RS-449 Converter
FIGUREB-3 illustratesthe pin connections required for an X.21 to RS-449 converter.
FIGUREB-3 X.21 to RS-449 Converter

When using an X.21 conversion you must perform the following hsip_init


Note – Both receive and transmit clock inputs (RxC and TxCI) need a clock signal if

txc is set to txc and rxc is set to rxc.

#hsip_init hihp0 9600 txc=txc rxc=rxc
S (6,13)
C (3,10)
R (4,11)
I (5,12)
G (8)
X.21 interface
TxD (4,22)
RxC (8,26)
RTS (7,25)
CTS (9,27)
RxD (6,24)
DCD (13,31)
SG (19)
RS-449 interface
TxCI (5,23)
(15-pin connector)
(37-pin connector)