C H A P T E R 4
SunHSI Utilities
The SunHSI software includes the hsip_init, hsip_loop, and hsip_stat utilities. This chapter contains a short description of each utility. Refer to each man page to get more information on the commands. Also see “Viewing the Man Pages” on page 41.
This chapter includes the following topics:
■“hsip_init Utility” on page 17
■“hsip_loop Utility” on page 20
■“hsip_stat Utility” on page 21
Note – You need to be superuser (root) in order to run the hsip_init, hsip_loop, or hsip_stat utilities.
hsip_init Utility
The hsip_init utility enables you to modify some of the hardware operating modes common to synchronous serial lines. This modification is needed for the operation of some communications packages and is useful in troubleshooting a link. See the hsip_init(1M) man page for details.
The hsip_init utility includes options for T1 compatibility and operating modes. See “T1 Compatibility Options” on page 18 and “Operating Modes Options” on page 18 for information on these options.