remains high over a long period of time. Untreated, hypertension can cause many seri- ous medical problems including strokes and heart attacks. To control hypertension, the American Heart Association recommends that you not smoke, reduce fat and salt intake, main- tain proper weight, exercise and get regular physical
Why Is It Important to Measure Your Blood Pressure at Home?
Having your blood pressure taken at the doctor’s office may cause you to become nervous, thus artificially raising your reading. Having the ability to take your blood pressure at home makes it easy to record a log of your daily readings. This will help you gain a greater understanding of your blood pressure reading and the factors that effect it. Be sure that you share your information with your physician.
Hints for Accurate Measurement
1)Relax and try to remain still for 5 to 10 min- utes before a measurement.
2)Remove shirts or other
3)Refrain from eating, smoking, and drinking (especially alcoholic beverages) before a measurement since these activities can affect your blood pressure.
4)Remember that blood pressure varies contin- uously throughout the day. Try to take your blood pressure at the*same time each day.