Sunbeam JM5900 Pavlova, egg whites 1 cup castor sugar 2 teaspoons vinegar, Fluffy Butter Frosting

Models: JM5900

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Recipes continued


4 egg whites

1 cup castor sugar

2 teaspoons vinegar

3 teaspoons cornflour

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

1.Preheat oven to 120°C. Grease and flour 20cm round tray.

2.Using a clean, dry bowl whip the egg whites until stiff on “HI” speeds.

3.Gradually add the sugar, a teaspoon at a time to start. Beat well between each addition. As mixture thickens add the sugar more quickly. This should take approximately 5-8 minutes mixing time.

4.Reduce speed to 1 and fold through vinegar, cornflour and vanilla. Continue mixing until mixture is stiff and glossy, approximately 2-3 minutes.

5.Spread half pavlova onto a prepared tray. Pipe the remaining mixture to form a border.

6.Bake for 1¼ - 1½ hours. If able, turn oven off and allow to cool in oven overnight or for a few hours.

Serving suggestion:

Decorate as desired. Fresh cream and lots of fresh berries is my favourite. Sprinkled with icing sugar to finish off.

Fluffy Butter Frosting

¹⁄³ cup butter or margarine 4 cups pure icing sugar pinch salt

3-4 tablespoons milk 1½ teaspoon vanilla

1.Place all ingredients into a bowl and on ‘LO’ speed, mix until all ingredients are well combined, creamy, light and fluffy in texture.

Glaze Icing

3 tablespoons sugar ¼ cup water

1 teaspoon gelatine

1.Place all ingredients into a small saucepan. Stir over medium heat until sugar has dissolved, approximately 2 minutes.

2.Brush warm on top of baked sweet goods.


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Sunbeam JM5900 Pavlova, egg whites 1 cup castor sugar 2 teaspoons vinegar, teaspoons cornflour ½ teaspoon vanilla extract