
You will find it a pleasure to be able to make your very own sushi with these simple steps. You will need to use Japanese style sushi rice which is a type of short grain rice and is readily available at good supermarkets.

The cup measurement below is using the cup measure provided with your Rice Perfect Deluxe 7.

Sushi rice

3 cups sushi rice

3 cups water

Sushi Vinegar

1/3 cup rice vinegar

21/2 tablespoons sugar

1/4 teaspoon salt

1.Place rice in a fine sieve and wash until the water runs clear. Drain for at least 10 minutes.

2.Place rice in cooking pan. Add 3 cups of water or fill water to number 3 on the cooking bowl. Making sure that the exterior of the pan is dry, place into heating vessel.

3.Replace the lid.

4.Depress the automatic control lever to “COOK”.

5.When cooking is complete, the lever will automatically switch to the “KEEP WARM” mode. Leave the rice in the cooker for 10 minutes at this stage. DO NOT REMOVE LID.

6.Combine sushi vinegar ingredients together; mix well until the sugar dissolves.

7.Spread the rice into a large flat bottomed wooden or plastic bowl or container. Using the rice spoon provided, gently slice through the rice removing any lumps; at the same time gradually pour over sushi vinegar.

8.Use either an electric fan on low or a hand fan; fan the rice until it is almost cool. Continue to gently slice through the rice but don’t stir as this will break up the rice grains.

9.Place a clean damp cloth over the rice to prevent it from drying out while making sushi. Rice should be used as soon as possible.

10.Do not put rice in the refrigerator as it will be too hard.

Makes approximately 9 cups of cooked sushi rice.


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Sunbeam RC5600 manual Sushi rice, Sushi Vinegar, Makes approximately 9 cups of cooked sushi rice