V I I I . T I P S F O R A T T E N D A N T S
Follow these steps to help the rider climb a curb or single step going
1.Stay behind the chair.
2.Face the curb and tilt the chair up on the rear wheels so that the front casters clear the curb or step.
3.Move forward, placing the front casters on the upper level as soon as you are sure they are past the edge.
4.Continue forward until the rear wheels contact the face of the curb or step. Lift and roll the rear wheels to the upper level.
Note: Use at least two attendants to move a chair and rider up stairs.
1.Move the chair and rider BACKWARD up the stairs.
2.The person at the rear is in control. He or she tilts the chair back to its balance point.
3.A second attendant at the front firmly grasps a
4.The attendants move to the next stair up. Repeat for each stair, until you reach the landing.
Note: Use at least two attendants to move a chair and rider down stairs.
1.Move the chair and rider FORWARD down the stairs.
2.The person at the rear is in control. He or she tilts the chair to the bal- ance point of the rear wheels and rolls it to the edge of the top step.
3.A second attendant stands on the third step from the top and grasps the chair frame. He or she lowers the chair one step at a time by letting the rear wheels roll over the stair edge.
4.The attendants move to the next stair down. Repeat for each stair, until you reach the landing.
I X . S E T U P & A D J U S T M E N T
Note: Setting the wheelchair on a table or on a flat surface, such as a table or on a flat surface, such as a workbench, helps make these procedures easier.
Note on Torque Setting: A torque setting is the optimum tightening which should be made on a particular fastener. A torque wrench which mea- sures in./lbs. Should be used when tightening fas- teners on Quickie wheelchairs. Unless otherwise noted, use a torque setting of 60 in./lbs.When set- ting up this wheelchair.
The adjustable axle plate can be adjusted to three different positions. Camber can be adjusted from
Note: Use a torque setting of 300 in./lbs. to tight- en axle nut.
a.Remove four retaining bolts and nuts on axle plate.
b.Move axle plate forward or rearward to desired position.
c.If desired, add or remove spacers
between axle plate and frame to change camber. For 4o or 5o of cam-
ber, longer bolts and extra spacers must be purchased before installation.
d.Insert all four bolts back into axle plate and frame. Tighten nuts.
e.Repeat on opposite side of wheelchair.
f.Axle plate and camber must be exactly the same on both sides of the wheelchair.
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