Table 5.2. Preset alarm types
Alarm type
Continuous beep series for 24 seconds
Maximum depth blinks as long as the current depth value exceeds the preset value.
Alarm reason
Preset maximum depth has been exceeded.
Continuous beep series for 24 seconds or until any button is pressed.
Dive time blinks for one minute.
Preset dive time has been ex- ceeded.
Continuous beep series for 24 seconds or until any Preset alarm time is reached. button is pressed.
Current time blinks for one minute
Table 5.3. Oxygen alarms in NITROX mode |
Alarm type | Alarm reason |
Continuous beeps for 3 minutes and activated back- light
Set oxygen partial pressure limit is exceeded. The al- ternative display is replaced with a current blinking PO2 value. You should immediately ascend above the PO2 depth limit.
OLF value reaches 80%. The OLF value will start to blink.
OLF value reaches 100%. The OLF value will blink.