CV301-8CH 18
now you can see
Time DisplayThis DVR gives you an option to display the time while it is recording and while it is in live view mode. The default
setting has both time displays set to “ON”.
If you would like to turn either live view time display or record time display o or on:
1. Select the drop down menu beside which ever time display mode you would like to change and highlight “o” or
“on” and press select.
2. The time display will now be changed.
3. Select “apply” to save settings.
Time Display Options
Auto SequenceWhen you select “AUTOSEQ”, at the bottom of the screen a separate menu pops up. This menu has all the camera
channels and sequence times (in seconds).
• The time (in seconds) next to each
camera will be how long each camera
will stay on the screen while in
sequence mode
• You can choose between OFF and 1-10
seconds for each camera
• You can adjust the time for each
individual camera and all cameras
at once (quad)
To adjust the time for auto sequence:
1. Select the drop down menu beside the channel(s) you would like adjusted.
2. Highlight the time you would like the camera(s) to stay on screen when in sequence mode and press select.
3. Select “apply” to save settings.
Auto Sequence Menu